sábado, 21 de febrero de 2009

Witch, but good

Bless you for your anger,
It’s a sign of rising energy.
(transform the energy to versatility and it will bring you prosperity)

Bless you for your sorrow,
It’s a sign of vulnerability.
(transform the energy to sympathy and it will bring you love)

Bless you for your greed,
It’s a sign of great capacity.
(transform the energy to giving,
Give as much as you wish to take and you will receive satisfaction)

Bless you for your jealousy,
It’s a sign of empathy.
(transform the energy to admiration
And what you admire will become part of your life)

Bless you for your fear,
It’s a sign of wisdom.
(transform the energy to flexibility and you will be free from what you fear)

Bless you for your search of direction.
(transform the energy to receptivity and the direction will come to you)

Bless you for the times you see evil.
(evil feeds on your support. feed not and it will self-destruct.
Shed light and it will cease to be)

Bless you for the times you feel no love.
Open your heart to life anyway
In time you will find love in you.

You are a sea of goodness,
You are a sea of love.
Bless you, bless you, bless you,
Bless you for what you are.

Count your blessings ev’ry day for they are your protection
Which stand between you and what you wish not.

Count your curses and there will be a wall
Which stand between you and what you wish.

The world has all that you need
You have the power to attract what you wish.
Wish for health, wish for joy,
Remember, you are loved.

The world has all that you need
And you have the power to attract what you wish.
Wish for health, wish for joy,
Remember, you are loved.

I love you

Yoko Ono es una bruja y le gusta serlo
"Sí, soy una bruja, pero el tema es que todas las mujeres son brujas y todos los hombres también, porque somos seres mágicos. Sin embargo, a la gente no le suena nada mal la palabra brujo y cuando dices bruja suena terrible. Eso me parece fatal, porque claro que soy una bruja, pero una bruja buena."

Tambien soy bruja, pero buenita, ustedes lo son? 

domingo, 1 de febrero de 2009

Two faces

Dos caras tiene tu personalidad
si es de día sientes libertad
si es de noche fragilidad

Sonríes cómplice de la verdad
ocultas lo oscuro de tu actuar
cambias repentinamente
ya nadie entenderte quiere

Bipolaridad de dos mundos
navegando en un mar negro
fluyen por tus venas
sentimientos ajenos

Crees saberlo todo a tu paso
solo eres un numero en la tierra
si algunas vez un consejo quisieras
no seas soberbio la honestidad
no se finge se manifiesta